27 July 2017 (Half
This walk follows
the Shalbourne stream half way from its source to Hungerford (one can walk all the way, but in the latter
half the path is mostly some way from the river). Although there is no great botanical
diversity, the walk does visit two rare native plants.
We started at the roadside at the
south end of Shalbourne village (SU310628).
The path goes north beside what at this time was no more than a narrow
sunken damp river bed. In the shade of
the trees were Hart's-tongue Fern Asplenium
scolopendrium and Gooseberry Ribes
uva-crispa. Level with the centre of
the village to the east the stream widened and there was some water, at the
site of old watercress-beds, although the only Watercress here now was Fool's Apium nodiflorum.
The watercress beds are now
just fool's watercress
Shortly after this
we were separated from the river itself by a field hedgerow. The arable land had no plants of interest
(mostly Fool's Parsley Aethusa cynapium)
but there was a single clump of Wild Basil Clinopodium
vulgare by the hedge. The stream from
this point to the north end of the village has been widened into small lakes in
parts, part of the extensive garden
of Mill House . One of our target plants grows in and beside
the river in these grounds - Green Figwort Scrophularia
umbrosa, although it can also be seen later in the walk. The owner allowed us access to the garden and
we counted four clumps of the plant. It
is closely related to water figwort Scrophularia
auriculata (which we did not see at all by this stream). It is best told by the bright green colour of
the leaves and stems and the sharply toothed leaves which narrow to the winged
stalk (water figwort tends to purplish and has blunt teeth on the leaves, which
are somewhat rounded at the base). We
also thought the inflorescences were more crowded and the flowers smaller,
while the whole plant tended to be floppy, the stems, although stout, often
procumbent, whereas water figwort is usually a very upright plant. The stems are widely winged, but water
figwort sometimes also has wings virtually as wide. The books detail differences in the flowers
too, but these can be difficult to use.
The flowers were said to be darker purple, but the ones we saw were all
reddish purple and very much like water figwort. The staminode is cleft, but this is only
occasionally clear, as it is often distorted and soon begins to shrivel. The calyx-lobes are said to have a wider
white edge which is more serrate, but the margins soon turn brown and they did
not appear to be noticeably wider than those of water figwort, while they were
better described as "ragged" than serrate. Despite these issues the overall appearance,
even from a distance, had a clear jizz that immediately separated it from its
Green figwort, Shalbourne
From Mill House
northwards the stream, although it remains shallow and clear with a stony
bottom, has thick bank-side vegetation, mainly of Wild Angelica Angelica sylvestris, Meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria, Square-stemmed
StJohn's-wort Hypericum tetrapterum,
Guelder Rose Viburnum opulus,
Gipsywort Lycopus europaeus, Water
Mint Mentha aquatica, native Common
Comfrey Symphytum officinale and Hop Humulus lupulus.
Shalbourne stream just north
of A338
Wild angelica
The path does not
continue by the stream when you reach the road by Mill House and you have to
descend the road a short way to the 13thC
Church to take a footpath
going east into another going north to regain the stream. While in Shalbourne we noticed that roadsides
included introduced species such as Hungarian Mullein Verbascum speciosum, Japanese Anemone Anemone x hybrida, and Sowbread Cyclamen
Hungarian mullein
Japanese anemone
Cottage, Shalbourne
Shalbourne Church of St
Michael an d All Angels
We had only
regained the stream a short while before reaching the A338 road, which has very
fast-moving traffic. The stream passes
under the road, but we had to divert left a short way to where the footpath
continues beside a farm, soon returning, however, to the stream. By the road there was a large colony of
Horseradish Armoria rusticana and a
little Hedgerow Cranesbill Geranium
pyrenaicum. There was also a
prominent clump of Common Poppy Papaver
rhoeas at the edge of a bean crop.
From here runs the
best stretch of the stream, although we seldom got a close view of it because
of the wide band of vegetation including much Nettle Urtica dioica. We saw a small
clump of Green Figwort at SU3177964369, and also a small patch of what was
probably Blunt-fruited Water-starwort Callitriche
obtusangula, although there were no fruits to confirm. The best and most accessible patch of Green
Figwort occurred where the stream went under the paved track to Eastcourt Farm
(SU3183164501). Here there was a great
deal of the plant, some of it having had to be cut down because it was so
Across the track the path continues
away from the river beside woodland, although it would be possible to walk on
further by the water. We did not follow
the stream further here, however (so there may be more Green Figwort further
north) but walked beside the wood (Westcott Copse), which is notable for its
large population (thousands) of Spiked Star-of-Bethlehem Ornithogalum pyrenaicum (or Bath Asparagus as it is often
known). The narrow-petalled
greenish-white flowers were unfortunately well gone over, but the tall spikes
of fruits were very evident, even at the edge of the wood, rising starkly (the
leaves having now all withered away) through the brambles and other
vegetation. It is a shame that one
cannot time the walk to see both this and the figwort at their best, but the
latter would not be very evident in June when the former would be in flower.
Spiked Star-of-Bethlehem
in flower (photo taken at
Fruiting spike, Westcott
From here we
retraced our steps to Shalbourne. (The
Plough pub there does lunches and has a good reputation.)
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